The Asian solar market values collective efforts over individual ambitions.

Author: Eider Lecumberri

They have a national mission within which regional and corporate strategy and tactics largely adhere.

The energy transition is not a minor process. The change from energy based on fossil fuels to renewable energy sources implies the collaboration of public institutions: energy, environmental and a series of infrastructures that help their establishment, as well as decisions in the political programs that support the complete transition towards a climate-neutral economy.

The purpose of society is to develop in various facets of life. This translated into our sector activity means that it is not enough or efficient to install a photovoltaic project for a 25-year lifecycle; if you do not have a schedule for considering additional technologies that would improve and protect it from external factors that influence the price of energy.

It is deeply disappointing to observe the development of the net-metering markets in Europe. These focus on a dumbed-down free market ideology; where unscrupulous companies consume and compete against more responsible companies, resulting in a negative impact on long term carbon saving.

It has clearly not been properly thought through, that whilst governments support the markets through subsidies for renewables, the free-market simplicity allows energy pricing to rise so considerably. It is risible that lower carbon technologies are not considered. The result of this in the long term will mean local communities disengage and there is no impactful transformation as far as the energy transition is concerned. This pushes the market to pursue quick highest-profit solutions over real benefits that could work towards achieving a climate-neutral economy.

The culture and strength of Southeast Asia as a region lies in the diversity of its territories; there is a deep institutional and societal belief that the future energy system will be based primarily on renewable energy resources. This reality is based on a holistic approach to the integrated energy system, by renewable sources and hybrid systems, which will soon strengthen industrial competitiveness and help value chain activities to spread in each region.  The result means an energy transition of quality and with a long-term focus.

From our perspective, we are very keen to know more about what is on the table in terms of hybrid solar and green hydrogen systems in the region.

At PROINSO, in partnership with local public institutions and organizations with extensive knowledge and experience in solar hybrid systems, we deliver diligent hybrid projects that offer a complete service portfolio for solar projects of all scales: from procurement, engineering, project development, finance and construction services.

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