Irish Growing Pains
Author: Mark Randall Since winning its independence and becoming a sovereign state, Ireland has played a careful and beneficial path. This path has allowed it to be declared a neutral state-so dealing with none of the difficulties and complexities of hands-on geopolitics. This is apart from financially beneficial UN support missions, whilst fully benefiting from
Author: Mark Randall The current situation is a once in a century event, in terms of its impact in the resetting of social, economic and political order. This means huge opportunity for positive change as well as risk. Always after catastrophe the human egocentricity has a sense of reflection ‘what did we do wrong to
Author: Mark Randall Historical analysis of the economic and political outcomes of previous pandemics suggests the world will again be changed. As with all destruction there is an opportunity for creation, though the question not yet able to be answered is as to what level will there be a destruction/creation dynamic. There is evidence that
Author: Mark Randall In 1799, David Dale sold his cotton mills in New Lanark, powered by energy from the Falls of Lanark, to his son-in-law Robert Owen. Owen wanted a community with social progress as central and with its prosperity fuelled by leading technology. He opened what is held to be the first infant school
Last call for fashion industry’s paradigm shift
Author: Mark Randall In the early 19th Century Elizabeth Margaret Chandler, from Delaware USA, wrote a poem including the lines: Not in outward seeming only Art thou spotless, white and fair, Slavery’s touch hath never cursed thee, Freedom in her arms hath nursed thee, And bestowed a beauty rare... Across the Atlantic, Eleanor Stephens Clark was setting up a shop in a
Millennials’ Lessons in Climate Change Leadership
Author: Mark Randall Today The Economist published four stages to the decline of democracy which is sweeping the world: 1) A charismatic leader promises to save the people; 2) They find an enemy; 3) They undermine democratic institutions; 4) They attempt to crush the opposition. Secular messianic leadership to a promised land premised on eradication of a